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Singlife Legacy Indexed Universal Life

Key features Singlife's Legacy Indexed Universal Life

cash benefit


Allocate between a Fixed Account and Index Account   

best SRS product


Invest Index Account in S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100


capital guaranteed


Downside protection: Minimum crediting rates

Single Premium & Guaranteed acceptance


Free Partial Withdrawal after year 6

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Why Apply for Singlife's Legacy Indexed Universal Life

Get attractive yields with Singlife's Legacy Indexed Universal Life. This flexible USD plan allows you to allocate your funds between a Fixed Account that pays a crediting rate declared by Singlife and an Index Fund that will give you a crediting rate based on S&P 500 and Nasdaq-100:

  • Current Fixed Account crediting rate: 4.25% p.a.
  • Average historical annual return2 for S&P 500: 7.2% p.a.
  • Average historical annual return2 for Nasdaq-100: 7.8% p.a.
  • Ride out market volatility with minimum crediting rates on both the Fixed Account and Indexed Account.
  • Flexibility to partially withdraw up to 5% of the Account Value with no penalty after year 6
  • Additional crediting rate of 0.35% p.a. from the 11th Policy Year onwards (up to age 100 of the Life Assured).


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More about Singlife's Legacy Indexed Universal Life

Statistics show that by staying invested in the capital markets in the long term, you will be able to benefit from higher returns. Singlife's Legacy Indexed Universal Life allows you to ride out the market volatiliy as it has an additional benefit of a minimum crediting rate of 2% p.a. on the Fixed Account and 0% on the Index Account.

Legacy Indexed Universal Life 
Premium Term: Flexible

Downside Protection

How do the cap and floor rates work for the Index Account?
Check out the hypothetical example of the crediting rate for Index Account vs Index Returns

The floor on the Index Account returns is 0% p.a.

The current cap on the Index Account returns is 11% p.a.


This is a hypothetical example for illustration purposes only. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. This does not reflect the performance of an actual account value.
The cap rate is subject to change by Singlife. This chart does not take into consideration the policy charges which are deducted regardless of the policy’s performance.


Your Fixed Account and Index Account explained


The above diagram provides a brief illustration on how Singlife Legacy IUL works, it has not taken into consideration other changes that can be made to the policy such as partial withdrawals and the relevant surrender charge (if any). Please refer to Product Summary for more details.

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Legacy Index Universal Life Illustration

Annual Premium: US$28,275

Premium Term: 5 Years 

Total Premium: US$141,375

End of Policy Year Death Benefit
Total Surrender Value
1 1,000,000 0
10 1,000,000


20 1,000,000 266,125
30 1,000,000 430,098
40 1,000,000


4.12% p.a. yield before promotions

Please note that the benefits above include both guaranteed and non-guaranteed components. Please refer to your quotation for a detailed breakdown. Illustrated values at the current crediting rate for Fixed Account of 4.25% p.a., current assumed crediting rate for Index Account of 7.50% p.a. and current charges. Assumes 25% in the Fixed Account and 75% in the Index Account and 50% of the Index Account invested in S&P 500 and 50% invested in Nasdaq-100. Illustration is for a 45 year old male, Preferred Plus life.


Here are some common questions about Singlife's Legacy Indexed Universal Life

1. What are the minimum sum assured for Singlife's Legacy Indexed Universal Life plan?

The minimum sum assured is US$250,000. For a 45 year old male Preferred Plus life, this translates to a premium of US$7,216 per annum for a premium term of 5 years.


2. What are the minimum guaranteed crediting rates?
The minimum crediting rate for the Fixed Account is 2% p.a. and 0% p.a. for the Index Account.


3. Is it possible for my account value to reduce since there are minimum crediting rates?

Although there are minimum crediting rates, there are also charges and fees that are deducted from your funds. Specifically, your account value will be deducted for premium charges, policy expense charges, fund charges and the cost of insurance that covers your death benefit. A surrender charge is also applied when you surrender within the first 10 years.


4. Is there an SGD version of the plan?

No, Singlife's Legacy Indexed Universal Life is only available in USD.


5. What if I want to stop paying my premiums?

This plan allows for flexible premium payment. You can choose to pay:
(a) a single premium payment; or
(b) multiple premium payments from a minimum of 2 years up to 100 age next birthday, at every 1-year interval.

You may skip a premium or discontinue premium payments entirely as long as the Policy has sufficient value for the deduction of the monthly charges. Unscheduled premiums can also be made to the Policy at any time subject to the minimum and maximum premium limit set by Singlife.


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1 Downside protection is provided by the minimum crediting rates on the Fixed and Index Accounts.

2 Based on the 20-year geometric average return of the indices.

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