What is the information you need to get a motor quote online

Are you interested in buying a new car soon? One of the steps to make sure your newly purchased car is ready to hit the road is to get your motor insurance in order. In Singapore, it is compulsory for every vehicle owner to purchase a motor insurance before driving the vehicle.
To get started, instead of going to a host of individual insurance companies online and putting in your details multiple times to get a quote, use InsureDIY to simplify the process. It will take you only a couple of minutes and you will get to view the best offers from motor insurers in Singapore
With a few key documents on hand, such as your driving license, car registration papers, NRIC and current insurance policy, the process of filling in your information to get a quote and purchase your new policy will be quick and easy.
How to get a motor insurance quote online in Singapore
InsureDIY has a user-friendly platform, where you will have to fill in your basic information. After registration of a free account, you will be able to move on to the next page where you will be presented with a comparison of the plans customized to you given the details and policy preferences you have pre-selected.
Here are the details that you need to get a motor insurance quote online in Singapore.
Car Details, such as
i) Make and model of the vehicle
ii) Vehicle variant
iii) Manufacture and registration year of the car
iv) Vehicle registration number
Main driver and any additional drivers’ details and driving experience
i) Date of birth and gender
ii) Occupation and nature of occupation
- Does your occupation require you to be indoors or outdoors? You are bound to have a slightly higher priced premium if your work doesn’t require you to stay indoors every day of the week.
iii) Marital status
iv) Driving experience in years
- This will have to be based on the number of years since your current driving license has been issued. Hence, if your license has been suspended and reinstated, the valid number of years driving experience will be based on the reinstated license date.
- Drivers with many years of good experience tend to pay a lower premium relative to new drivers
v) No Claims Discount (NCD) at renewal
- The NCD is a discount where drivers who have not made any claims for at least one year will get to enjoy. The NCD follows a stepped tier depending on your claims-free period. A safe driver can enjoy as much as 50% discount off their motor insurance premiums.
- Drive safely for 1 year – 10% discount
- Drive safely for 2 years – 20% discount
- Drive safely for 3 years – 30% discount
- Drive safely for 4 years – 40% discount
- Drive safely for 5 years – 50% discount
vi) COE expiry date
vii) Certificate of Merit (“COM”) and Demerit Points
- You can check whether you are eligible for the Certificate of Merit awarded by the Singapore Police Force here.
- Insurers will now award you with an additional 5% discount off your premiums if you are eligible for a COM. This means abiding by traffic rules and not getting any demerit points. To enjoy the most discounts, ensure you drive safely and act in a responsible manner when you are on the road.
viii) Past claims
- Knowing your claim history will allow insurers to accurately provide a quote. Naturally, not having any previous claims will ensure a lower premium. If your claims accumulated of up to $5000 over the past few years, you are likely to expect higher premiums.
ix) Policy start date
- Select your policy start date to align with the start of the road tax renewal period.
Insurance preferences (benefit features of the plan)
You have the choice of selecting additional benefit features of the plan, which include:
i) Choice of workshop
- You have a choice of sending your vehicle to any workshop of your choice or to an Insurer-authorised / Insurer-approved workshop for accident repairs. The price of premiums will be lower if you choose to go by the insurer’s choice of workshops to get your vehicle repaired from accident damages.
ii) Loss of use benefit
- If you would like the option of getting a transport allowance or a replacement vehicle when your vehicle is at the workshop being repaired due to an accident covered by the policy.
iii) NCD protector
- Your NCD status is protected in the event that you make a claim under your policy. [supplement with details from policy doc?]
InsureDIY is a platform that makes it easy for any car owner in Singapore to understand and figure out the right motor insurance policy for their vehicle. From the options, you will be able to view and compare the quotes from insurance companies in Singapore.
Among the longstanding insurance companies in Singapore are AXA and NTUC Income. On InsureDIY, there are other insurance companies with affordable plans in the motor insurance world, like MSIG, Hong Leong Assurance, Sompo and Liberty. These insurers offer good coverage on the important bases, such as car repairs, total loss or damage, personal accident, third party damage, a 24-hour Emergency Mobile Accident Response Service (MARS) and medical expenses.
InsureDIY has financial advisers that can help you make the right choice and answer any of your questions. Simply email us at [email protected] anytime!