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How to Save Money on Insurance Premiums


Insurance is a crucial component of financial planning because it offers protection against unforeseen circumstances and lessens the financial effect of catastrophes or accidents. But insurance premiums can frequently be quite expensive, especially in a high-cost city like Singapore. We’ll explore some suggestions in this article for reducing insurance premiums in Singapore.

1. Don’t buy the first insurance policy you come across; instead, shop around.

It’s critical to realise that insurance premiums might differ greatly amongst insurers. Because different insurers have different pricing philosophies, risk assessment techniques, and claims experiences, premiums may vary. Consequently, comparing premiums carefully ensures the best deal.

The reputation and financial stability of the insurer must also be taken into account. Make sure the insurance provider you select has a solid reputation for paying claims on time and has the resources necessary to fulfil its obligations in the case of a major catastrophe or unforeseen incident.

Finally, shopping around can aid in negotiations with your current insurer. If you discover a lower premium from a different insurer, you can use this knowledge to bargain with your existing insurer for a lower price. It’s worth asking if they can match the premiums provided by other insurers because many insurers offer loyalty discounts to long-term consumers.

Overall, by shopping about and comparing premiums and coverage from other insurers, you can reduce the cost of your insurance premiums while making sure you have enough coverage to safeguard your belongings and yourself.

2. Choose the right coverage.

It’s important to understand your insurance requirements and get coverage that is appropriate for your circumstances. For instance, having vehicle insurance is required if you own a car, but you may pick between comprehensive coverage, which covers third-party responsibility as well as damage to your car, and third-party only coverage, which only covers third-party liability.

The next step is to frequently evaluate your current insurance policies to make sure you’re not overpaying for coverage. For instance, if you now have health insurance that covers maternity care but don’t intend to have children, you can choose a policy that doesn’t and pay a lesser cost.

Additionally, you might think about selecting a policy with a lesser payment cap. You can choose a policy that covers up to $300,000 and pay a reduced cost.

3. Increase deductibles.

A deductible is the amount of money that you pay out of pocket before the insurance company pays for the remainder of the claim. You can reduce your premiums by raising your deductible. However, ensure that you have the financial means to cover the larger deductible in the event that you have to make a claim.

The majority of insurance contracts in Singapore have deductibles, including those for house, health, and auto insurance. For instance, there is a required excess for motor insurance of $500 for comprehensive policies and $600 for third-party coverage. To lower your rates, you might opt to increase the excess. Similar to this, you can choose a health insurance policy with a greater deductible to reduce your premiums.

It’s crucial to evaluate the possible savings against the potential financial impact of paying a higher deductible in the case of a claim when thinking about raising your deductible. For instance, if your auto insurance deductible is $2,000 and you need to file a claim for $3,000, you will be responsible for paying $2,000 out of pocket and the insurance provider will only pay the remaining $1,000.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to keep in mind that some insurers might cut premiums for bigger deductibles while others might not. To discover the best bargain, it’s essential to compare premiums from various insurers.

4. Consider bundling.

In Singapore, bundling insurance plans is a popular approach to reduce insurance premium costs. Purchasing numerous insurance policies from the same insurer, such as home, auto, and personal accident insurance, is referred to as bundling insurance policies with one insurer. You may be able to get discounts or lower prices when you bundle multiple plans in your purchase.

Combining insurance plans with one insurer can offer additional advantages besides reductions. Because you’ll only have to deal with one insurer for claims, payments, or policy changes, for instance, it can make managing policies simpler. Bundling policies can also improve coverage because the insurer may grant multiple-policyholders with additional advantages or features.

It’s important to confirm that each insurance policy satisfies your needs and offers sufficient coverage before considering bundling them. To get the greatest bargain, you should also examine the premiums and advantages of combining plans with several insurers. It’s essential to keep in mind that grouping insurance together may not always result in the lowest costs, and certain insurers may not grant discounts for grouping policies together.

In conclusion, bundling insurance policies with one insurer can help you save money on insurance premiums, and even simplify policy management and provide better coverage. 

5. Maintain a good driving record.

Maintaining a good driving record is an important factor in saving money on insurance premiums. Drivers in Singapore who have a clean driving record, meaning they haven’t been in any accidents or earned traffic citations, often obtain reduced premiums from their insurance providers. This is so that the insurer isn’t exposed to as much danger from drivers who don’t have any claims on their record.

Drivers in Singapore are given demerit points for moving offences, which can lead to an increase in insurance costs. For instance, your driver’s license will be suspended if you receive 24 or more demerit points in 24 months. Additionally, your insurer may raise your premiums when you renew your coverage if you are responsible for an accident.

You should practise defensive driving, abide by traffic laws, and steer clear of speeding and other hazardous driving behaviours if you want to keep your driving record spotless. In order to enhance your driving abilities and lower the likelihood of accidents, you should also take defensive driving classes.

Additionally, it’s imperative to notify your insurer as soon as possible of any collisions or traffic offences. If you don’t report an accident or traffic infraction, your premiums can go up or your policy might get cancelled.

Maintaining a spotless driving record is important, but you should also think about adding safety features to your car, such dashcams or anti-theft alarms. Drivers who have safety equipment installed in their vehicles are frequently given discounts by insurance companies.

6. Take advantage of promotions.

Some insurance companies offer promotional discounts or free gifts for new policyholders. Keep an eye out for these offers and take advantage of them if they make sense for your needs.

Here are some tips on how to do so:

  1. Watch out for promotions: Insurance firms frequently run deals to draw in new clients or hold onto current ones. These campaigns may give free gifts, cashback deals, or discounts on premiums. You should routinely visit the websites and social media pages of insurance companies as well as our InsureDIY website where we have summarised all the insurer’s promotions in one page.
  2. Understand the terms and conditions: Recognise the terms and conditions before utilising a promotion. This covers the requirements for eligibility, the length of the promotion, and any restrictions or limits. For instance, a promotion might only be accessible to new consumers or run for a short period of time.
  3. Compare promotions: Compare the specials offered by various insurance providers to make sure you’re getting the greatest value. You can use this to determine which deal delivers the best value for your money.
  4. Consider long-term costs: While a promotion may offer immediate savings on premiums, it’s important to consider the long-term costs of the insurance policy. This includes elements like the coverage given, the deductibles and excesses, and the level of customer service the insurance provider offers. If a policy doesn’t offer enough coverage or has bad customer service, it might not always be advisable to choose the one with the lowest price.
  5. Renewal during promotions is encouraged as many insurance providers give discounts to current clients who renew their policies. You must renew your insurance within the promotional period in order to benefit from these offers. This keeps your current coverage while lowering your premiums.

In conclusion, there are various strategies to save money on insurance premiums. These include comparing policies, capitalising on promotions, adjusting deductibles and excesses, bundling policies, maintaining a good driving record, and improving your credit score. These tactics can help lower insurance premiums and ultimately result in significant savings over time. 

Posted in Insurance